Jika sekarang ini saya diminta untuk menyebutkan 3 hal random yang saya sukai, saya akan bilang Batman, makanan Meksiko dan online shopping. Mengapa Batman? Because he IS Batman! Makanan Meksiko karena, well, enak banget. Online shopping karena it completely changes the way I shop.

Saya ingat, dulu sebelum marak adanya online shop, saat saya butuh sepatu, saya harus pergi ke mall atau toko terdekat. Sesampainya disana, belum tentu juga di mall tersebut, ada sepatu yang saya inginkan. Kadang stok habis, kadang tidak muat, dll. Kalau sudah seperti itu, saya pasti ke mall atau toko lain. Nah, mending kalau jarak mall atau toko yang satunya lagi itu berdekatan, kalau jauh? What a waste of time! Singkat cerita, di mall lain saya menemukan sepatu yang saya inginkan. Harganya kalau tidak salah Rp 400.000-an. Saat saya memakai sepatu tersebut ke kampus, eh, ada yang teman bilang begini, "Eh, lucu banget sepatunya… beli dimana? Si X juga punya loh. Dia beli di toko X, harganya cuma Rp 300.000, lagi ada diskon katanya." Pasti kesel dan dongkol kan kalau mengalami hal yang seperti saya alami?

Fortunately, sekarang udah jamannya online shopping. Mau belanja enggak harus kemana-mana. Bisa via komputer atau ponsel, yang penting ada internet. Tidak perlu dandan ataupun mandi, hehe. Selain itu, kalau mau banding-bandingin harga juga gampang. Tidak perlu keliling dari satu toko ke toko lainnya. Bisa menghemat waktu dan tenaga.

Dulu saya pertama kali belanja online saat masih banyak yang berjualan Friendster (iya, saya udah 'berumur'). Kemudian, setelah itu mulai marak online shop di Multiply, lalu Facebook, BBM, Twitter dan yang paling ngetren sekarang ini adalah Instagram. Seiring maraknya online shop di media sosial, banyak juga e-commerce bermunculan. Namun tidak semua online shop itu terpercaya lho. Saya pernah membeli baju secara online. Di gambarnya sih bagus banget, eh yang sampai, ya ampun, bahkan tidak layak pakai. Ketika saya komplain ke penjualnya, malah kontak BBM saya dia delete. Itu untung hanya baju, kerugian saya nggak seberapa. Lha kalau seperti orang di berita di bawah ini, yang beli iPhone di salah satu situs e-commerce tetapi malah yang datang adalah sabun? Makan. Hati. Banget. Walaupun akhirnya di-refund, tetap saja rugi waktu, pulsa dan tenaga.

Beli iPhone, dapatnya sabun :(
Walaupun demikian, saya tidak kapok untuk belanja online, kan sekarang ada Bukalapak. Selain melalui website dan mobile web, untuk mengakses Bukalapak juga bisa melalui aplikasi. Aplikasi Bukalapak saat ini tersedia bagi pengguna smartphone berbasis Android dan iOS. Saya kasih link downloadnya deh, hehe. Klik link berikut sesuai sistem operasi smartphone kamu ya; Android atau iOS. Aplikasi ini bikin pengalaman berbelanja di Bukalapak menjadi semakin maksimal. Untuk pengguna iOS, caranya saya jelaskan melalui infographic berikut ini ya. Anyway, menurut saya di Android pun, step-by-step-nya tidak akan jauh berbeda kok.

Cara belanja di Bukalapak menggunakan aplikasi Bukalapak untuk iOS
Klik untuk memperbesar gambar.
Mudah bukan?
Bahkan, belanja di Bukalapak melalui aplikasi lebih mudah daripada ngomong jujur sama pacar, hehehe...

Selain mudah, berikut ini ada 4 alasan mengapa kamu harus belanja di Bukalapak. Pertama, Bukalapak itu lengkap. Mulai dari produk fashion, gadget, elektronik, makanan, kebutuhan rumah tangga, personal care sampai batu akik pun ada di Bukalapak. Jadi, mau beli apapun juga, cukup di satu tempat. Yang jualan juga banyak. Terkadang, ada beberapa penjual yang menawarkan barang yang sama. So, pembeli bisa lebih leluasa dalam memilih. Saya pribadi, selalu memilih dari penjual yang memiliki feedback bagus, harga paling murah dan lokasi paling dekat dengan tempat tinggal saya (untuk menghemat ongkos kirim, hehe).

Kedua, berbelanja di Bukalapak dijamin aman. Barang tidak diterima, uang akan dikembalikan. Beneran. Setelah memilih barang, pembeli harus mentransfer dana yang sesuai harga barang + ongkos kirim + nominal unik ke rekening milik Bukalapak. Kemudian Bukalapak akan memberikan notifikasi kepada penjual. Penjual mengirim barang kepada pembeli. Lalu, pembeli mengkonfirmasi penerimaan barang kepada Bukalapak. Setelah itu, Bukalapak baru meneruskan uang ke pembeli. Oh iya, menurut pengalaman saya, setelah melakukan pembayaran, pembayaran tersebut akan terkonfirmasi secara otomatis oleh Bukalapak. Saya enggak pernah lho konfirmasi pembayaran secara manual seperti di situs sebelah, apalagi sampai harus upload bukti transfer segala :p

Ketiga, pembayarannya gampang dan fleksibel. Bisa melalui kartu kredit, transfer bank, Mandiri clickpay, BCA klikPay, CIMB Click, Indomaret atau BukaDompet. BukaDompet ini semacam deposit atau saldo kita di Bukalapak.

Keempat, seperti yang saya tulis di atas, belanja di Bukalapak bisa kapan saja dan dimana saja! Belanja gampang cuma modal jari!

4 alasan kenapa harus belanja di Bukalapak
Klik untuk memperbesar

So, tunggu apalagi? Yuk download aplikasinya dan install di smartphone kamu trus belanja sepuasnya. Mumpung belum tanggal tua, lho!



Artikel ini ditulis untuk diikutkan di Bukalapak Blog Competition. Mau ikutan juga? Klik disini atau klik gambar di bawah ini.

As I said at my previous post, I love shopping! Yes, you too, don't you? And I think everybody does, too. And, here, in my case, I love to do it online. I mean, I just need a computer or mobile phone, internet connection and―of course―money. I don't need to get dress, wear bra, put some make ups nor leaving my comfy bed. I believe there's a special place in heaven to people who discovered the internet.

Anyway, I have what-so-called habit to browse in the internet and looking for certain sites to shop. Yes, sometimes I waste like hours of my life and search where to find A, where to find B, does this store have free shipping, does this store ship to my country, etc. Then, do I buy something? Yes, when the sites seem legit and there's a very good deal!

Well, few months ago I found Kim Kardashian EDT for only IDR 97.000―it's about USD 10 back then―at www.StrawberryNET.com. It stated that the EDT was a brand new one, without box. So, I did some research here and there about this site and found mixed reviews. After all, I thought that USD 10 was a great value for an EDT and, yup, I bought it.

StrawberryNET is a Hong Kong based online store, established since 1998, which sells cosmetics, beauty cares, hair cares and perfumes. They claim that they sell authentic product as stated in here. They offer very broad range of products―as I quote from their website―with over of 30,000 items from over 750 brands. And you know what, they charge no shipping cost for regular delivery in all orders, except if it's fragrance only.

StrawberryNET homepage
Have I mentioned that they offer those items at hugely discounted price? Yes, people, some of the items become so affordable it's hard to just ignore them. You can find a lot of deals here.

Sale, sale everywhere!
Okay, back to the story when I ordered Kim Kardashian EDT. I didn't know if there's some issues with my credit card but a day after I placed my order they emailed me to verify it by uploading my phone or electricity bill. The customer service guy was really helpful by guiding me about verification process. Long story short, it was more than 10 working days and my EDT should've been arrived but it's not. So I emailed them again and they quickly replied to wait few more days. 2 days later, I received that KK EDT in a good condition and safe packaging. Over all, I think they provide a pretty decent customer service.

Ugh, I'm sorry, my phone is lost so I can't upload any photos of the item I received :(

+ Broad range of products
+ Free worldwide shipping on all orders, except if it's fragrance only
+ Pretty decent customer service
+ A lot of sale items

- Delivery takes too long time (depends on where you are, actually)
- Not based on my experience, but this site also receives some negative reviews, mainly about fake products

You can play that song because this post will gonna be so boring. And stupid. I warn you. Or maybe you can play Amon Amarth's songs, they are awesome and Amon Amarth itself sounds so cool, haha. Or Death Cube K, I love Death Cube K because it's f--king Death Cube K! Or maybe this delish food.

Remember, I've been warning you. You can skip to the end of this post anyway.

It was just like yesterday when I ordered Hazelnut coffee and asked the barista to write down "Happy birthday!" and a heart symbol in it—but it turned out to be only "HBD" and bird-like heart (I was so mad with the barista back then, but still, I posted it to Instagram). Do you remember? It was 2 years ago, right in this day. When we haven't adopted Bubu and Zooey. When I haven't been able to ride motorbike. When you haven't bought that barely-worn big black boots. But you know, I've loved you back then, since the prior years, up until now and later.

Bird-like heart. Why?
And do you know what the most thing that I love about you? The way way that you make me laugh. To be honest, it's effortless to have a conversation with you and it's always enjoyable. Remember when we talked about giant insects, laughed at Skyline (what's wrong with that movie?), made fun of others or any random stuffs? Oh, even if I was mad at you, I couldn't help it but laughing. You are always funny and hilarious; it's like you can always brighten up my gloomy days. I love your spontaneous jokes and I don't wanna lose that, ever. Sometimes, I wonder whether you've been abducted by alien, traveled through times via wormholes and gotten shot with some exo-galactic serums or such. But who's gonna abduct you anyway.

We've been through a pretty hard times, had been in long distance relationship. And it was pretty awful. Whenever I missed you I could only hear your weird voice, even internet connection was so shitty back then that we couldn't have video call very often, haha. Thank God it's over. Now I am thankful for our little life and journey that we are on, for every happiness and time we've spent together. Thank you for accompanying me, for always be there. Thank you for being care of me, for being my best friend. Thank you for loving me and thank you for always being you.

Umm, after all, let me say happy 25th birthday to you! Yeay! I wish you get all the happiness in the world. I hope that you'll have a successful life and can make your dreams come true (I'm very sure you do if you are focus on it!). Be kinder and always stay humble. May you and I can always stay together and get the best that life offers. Amen.

I love you.


Once my bff said that if she wished for something and wrote it down, it would be came true in a short period. Hmmm.. I don't really believe it actually, I mean, how come, right? Sometimes, she doesn't write it down but also using the picture of thing she wants as profile picture, lol, and last time I saw her social media account, her profile picture was Guess handbag. Guys, please lend me your help to pray that hopefully she'll get that handbag soon. Okay, let's try her 'method'!

Well, this is my list.
  1. ONE OK ROCK concert ticket. Oh my gosh, I looove this band, Taka is really good at singing and his English pronunciation isn't bad at all. Toru, Tomoya and Ryota are awesome, too. They'll go to Jakarta this month as a part of their "Who are you?? Who are we??" Asian tour. Unfortunately, I can't go to their concert. I have to save my money for more important things.

    C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h.; one of my favorite songs
  2. New paid TV subscription. Aora TV sucks! I've been subscribing to Aora TV for like 1,5 years. Suddenly, from 1 November, they changed the package without any confirmation in advance and some of my favorite channels―Fox Crime, Animax, National Geographic Music, SyFy―are missing! I currently watch Dexter, Hunter X Hunter, Twilight Zone, etc. And what I like about NGM is they play non-mainstream music. Justin Bieber, One Direction, The Wanted and some, yeah, artists like that are not my cup of tea. Now, I'm beyond angry to Aora TV! Sigh.
    I've already considered Telkomvision Prime Family, Telkomvision Prime Style, Big TV Sun and Indovision Venus but I still cannot decide which one will I subscribed.

  3. Nail polishes. There's no "too much" for nail polishes. I have like more than 30 of it and I always feel that it's still not enough. When I see #NOTD posts in instagram, I'm like "Oh, look at those beautiful colors, this one looks like candy, this one looks so elegant, this red color is so classic while mine are too dark/too bright/too red/too vibrant/too-whatever-i-just-need-a-new-friggin-nail-polish!"  I always wish I have all shade of nail polish from #000000 to #FFFFFF (hexadecimal color code). Haha! Well, at least I have to have this. Soon. Very soon.

    Nail Polishes Wishlist
  4. Hoodie I want that hoodie which worn by Bert McCracken in this video. It's really cute!

    You can see the hoodie at 0:11
  5. I don't know where to buy it. But, any hoodie in grey or black will be okay actually. But―again, hahaha― Bert McCracken is so hot that polka-dot hoodie is sooo cute!

  6. Some money to fix my digital rebel. I haven't can't use my DSLR cam for almost 4 months because it was suddenly blank. I couldn't turned it on. I went to Sinar Photo (authorized Datascrip collecting point) and they told me that my cam had to be sent to Jakarta to be checked by Datascrip staff, it costs  ± IDR 400k, for repairing, maybe it would be IDR 1,2mio or more. Ugh! Then I brought my cam to RTC Jln. Diponegoro. And you know what, when a staff trying to turned on my cam, it worked. So, I just buy a spare charger because he said that maybe my charger wasn't work properly, so my battery was like discharge quickly. On the next week, I went to Senggigi, Lombok (will post about it later), after taking few pictures and change the mode from landscape to manual, my cam kept beeping. I tried to force turning it off by replacing the battery and you know what, from then, it can't be turned on again. Frig.
Hope my wishes come true asap. So what's on your wishlist?

It's like I'll never stop making a post about beach. I love beach! Sitting on the sand under the sunlight, listening to the water riffles just like Earth is whispering, wondering what kind of mysteries lay beneath the sea and stare at perfectly clear horizon. That's awesome! So, beach is like an escape for me when I feel down, bad mood or angry to the world.

Well, that's too much.

Still, like Suluban beach (that was being the pitstop at The Amazing Race season 22 leg 4, yes I'm a big fan of that TV show!) & Uluwatu temple, Pandawa beach is located at southern part of Bali, precisely at Desa Kutuh (desa means village). It used to be called as Secret beach because it lies behind hill and it was hard to find this place. Then, the government of Badung regency was aware of its potential to attract not only local , but also international tourist, so the government built roads and another public facilities to promote this beach. They also put some statues on the rock wall, each of them represents Pandava (or in my country spelled as Pandawa) character on Mahabharata legend. Too bad, I forgot to take some pics of those statues. Shoot!

The long and winding road :p

It's kinda slippery because of the sand..
I actually went there with my friends few months ago. From Nusa Dua, it takes about 20-30 minutes to get there by car. There's no public transportation heading directly to the beach. Yeah, poor Bali. I mean it's like no public transportation at all beside those on the city. But, usually, nearby hotels provide free shuttle to this beach. If you stay in Nusa Dua, Kuta, Seminyak or Denpasar, it is better if you rent a car or motorbike. It's okay taking a cab but, geez, it will be so expensive.

It was 4 pm when me and my friends got there, because we skipped our lunch, we were then going to buy some chicken satay (for only IDR 20,000), grilled corn (IDR 5000) and juice (IDR 5,000-15,000) at a local warung. Fair price for a place like this. There're also a restaurant, souvenir shops, art and craft shop, body massage booth, various warungs and public toilet near the parking lot. Beside, from parking lot, you can watch some peoples doing paragliding down from the hill.

"Look, Mum! I'm flying without wings!"

After enjoying our meals, we headed to the beach that was only less than 50 m in distance, and holyfrig, this beach was so beautiful! The sand was white, the waves were rather calm, the sky was vibrant blue!

Pandawa beach #1

Pandawa beach #2
Pandawa beach wasn't as crowded as Kuta beach, that's what I like the most. It was also quite clean and no annoying sellers who push people to buy her goods. Or, at least I didn't meet them. Just like another Balinese, locals were warm welcoming. Oh, I almost forgot that cellphone's signals were very poor in there. Even, I use provider 3 and I did't get any. But it's okay, who'll need it anyway if you were in a beautiful place like this?

Sorry for low-quality pictures. I forgot where I stored the RAW files :'(